The adventures of SD Juno and SDIT Kaline (and their human, Colt).

01 April 2013

Our new favorite place

Kaline needs to run on a semi-regular basis. He loves it and boy, does it tire him out! Problem is, there are not a lot of off-leash places I know of which are not also dog parks. (I will never take either of my dogs to a dog park, unless it's empty. Too many stupid people.)

Well, I had a training session with one of my clients, and she introduced me to this beautiful little grove quite close to me (right next to Stanford Shopping Center) where you can just let your dog run. I think we've been back almost every day since then. I take Kaline on his e-collar, as a precaution, and just let him loose. He's been having such a blast! He's met several other dogs who played with him, and we've had a fantastic time practicing recalls and emergency sits and downs at distance. My mom went with us one day and was quite impressed with how good my little guy was!

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